This book does, however, have a few things going against it. In some cases, the story took seemingly random and inexplicably fate driven turns that were almost in the character of Alice in Wonderland...things just kept happening because, well, they happened.
The second downfall was the reading level. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem reading a book that is written for young adults, I wasn't insulted by the easy read. The part that bothered me is that the content of the book didn't match the reading level. There were parts that were pretty gory and some that were sexual (going a bit beyond just implication, but not necessarily over explicit), which again I have no problem with, aside from the fact that it didn't relate to the reading level. If you're going to write adult themed content, write at an adult reading level.
Overall, the book was enjoyable for what I expected it to be - a light read from a unique perspective in a new fantasy world. It was good enough for me to not hesitate to buy the second book in the series (called Orcs: Bad Blood), but I would only recommend it to fans of fantasy that are looking for a light read as a diversion between books or series'.